Thursday, 27 December 2012

Graphics I made with inkscape,krita and gimp

I tried to make a logo for
the astronomy group
of my college using inkscape 
I used inkscape here .

It is an illusion .
There are three images embeded onto each other .
I used inkscape and gimp here.
Again,it is an illusion in which
 two images 
are embedded onto each other .
I used inkscape and gimp here.

Ascii art -It can be easily done by gimp 
Again it is ascii art -
It can be simply done by GIMP.
I tried my hands on making a 3-D logo using krita and inkscape .

Monday, 10 December 2012


Tried to make a calculator using swings  that performs addition,subtraction,multiplication.division,exits and clear the data depending on the user requirements.It also includes a JButton  Help me ! to obtain further information about the application and JButton about to get information about the developer.Futher in case of indeterminate expression an exception is thrown and a pop up window appears .The JButton clear resets the data and set the variables to false .

Simple ChatBot using C++

I tried to make a chat with a bot ..after being inspired by a samsung app -Palingo .
This is a C++ prohram which is  konsole based.
It takes an input from user and the response is random .It includes header files like iostream,cstdlib,string and ctime .
I made a string -response having the script .And an infinte while loop to proceed the script .
It is a simple c++ program ,more improved version will be provided soon ..........
Mail me to obtain its source code and if interested to make chatbot using swings .